What's New

Here's where you can see the latest from GAIN !



GAIN Charity Shop Online


This is our new online tool for Gift Aid small charity shops. Click here to find out more and see how you can get this innovtive softeware which will allow you to claim Gift Aid from your charity shops sales 



GAIN Scanning Service


Now you can scan your Gift Aid Declarations AND be assured that we have checked them for compliance and provided you with corrective action when found to be invalid



Gift Aid Survey

Of the £11 billion of donations from individuals only around £4 billion is given under Gift Aid. This is about 36%, or a little more than 1/3rd .

Here at GAIN we are interested to know a little more about this and would invite you to take part in the survey below.


  • All you need is to do is a select a recent Gift Aid claim you have made. (This is Amount 1)
  • Over the same period, look at all the donations you have received from all individuals who could have made their donation under Gift, regardless of whether they did or not (This is Amount 2).


You may do this anonymously, but providing your details will help in more detailed classifications of demographics relating to Gift Aid

In any case no details will be shared with any other party

To participate in the survey, Click Here Gift Aid Survey


What's New


Online Training

The next date is


Introduction to Gift Aid


Wed 31 Jul 2024 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM BST , Online, Zoom





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© 2020 GAIN, 51 Love Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3EY Mobile: 07910 391653 e-mail: bg@gain.me.uk www.gain.me.uk